Dahlia Ch 2.1 Released~

Hello everyone!  I’m finally back from my long break caused by my surgery.  It took quite a while to recover, and I’m still not completely recovered!  Oh well…At least I’m back with a release!  Here’s the first part of Dahlia Ch 2! 🙂

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?8o6sfm4ddeg6b1c

KMB Chapter 34!

Sorry for taking so long to release this chapter.  I’ve been sitting on it for a while, but I had issues typing (among other wonderful things.)  I also went to Germany for 3 weeks.  Yay!  It was nice. 🙂  Anywho, I’m back with a release, and I hope you all enjoy it!  My wonderful Cubital Tunnel issues still remain, and I just figured out I’ll have to get surgery twice (once per arm) to fix it.  Just wonderful, isn’t it?  Well…here’s the chapter!  🙂

Download:  http://www.mediafire.com/?j8db2lb1a7si109

Read Online:  http://www.batoto.net/read/_/109836/kill-me-baby_v3_ch34_by_crystallis-scanlations


CS is recruiting the following in the recruitment page below:


Join us now, if you want faster releases!

E-mail us at crystallisscans@yahoo.com :))

thank you very much! We’d really love to have you!

New Layout!

I decided to change the website a little bit.  I’m still tweaking it, but it’s mostly complete.  I hope you all like it! 🙂  The bar of pictures below the menu are links to the latest releases of some of our projects.  I’ll also work on updating some of the broken download links.  Enjoy! 🙂

Miggy Ch 10~!

Here’s another chapter of Migawari Hakushaku no Bouken!  I hope you enjoy this cute chapter!  This chapter is also the beginning of the joint between us (Crystallis) and Transcendence.  I’d like to thank the Transcendence members for putting up with us (especially me with all my issues*) so I hope they aren’t fed up with us yet…XD

Enjoy the release! 🙂

Chapter 10:  Download

If you wish to learn about my issues, feel free to keep on reading. 🙂

*Your favourite Dictator-sama has been having issues with her hands since October.  (Don’t think any wrong things!  Although…I think I’m a bit late for that…)  I’ve been having pain in my hands and wrists, and I’ve been losing strength in my hands.  The pain and weakness comes and goes, but recently it got worse.  My hands were so weak that I could barely type.  I couldn’t even make a fist.  I also lost some feeling in my hands.  The weird thing is, all the pain, weakness, and loss of feeling were the same for both hands.  I went to various doctors to fix this problem and puzzled every single one of them.  They sent me for blood tests thinking it could be anemia or something similar.  All of the tests came back negative.  (I came back tired! XD)  I finally went to a neurologist, and she had no clue.  She did suggest that I get muscle and nerve testing.  I took that suggestion and decided to go for more testing.  After being shocked (literally!), poked, and prodded, they finally figured out the root of the problem.  I have Cubital Tunnel Syndrome.  The cause?  Sleeping on my arms and hands.  Did I get better? Heck yeah!  If I didn’t, then I wouldn’t be typing again…and to think it was as simple as changing the way I slept…XD  Fun stuff right?

2011 Website Stats

I thought some of you might want to read some wonderful website statistics that WordPress gives as a present for the new year.  Personally, I’m a stat junky, so I love reading them.  Enjoy and have a wonderful new year! 🙂

Here’s an excerpt:

A New York City subway train holds 1,200 people. This blog was viewed about 5,900 times in 2011. If it were a NYC subway train, it would take about 5 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.